Saturday, July 27, 2013

Apache (httpd)

When you view a web page over the Internet, the code to create that page must be retrieved from a server somewhere on the Internet. The server that sends your web browser the code to display a web page is called a web server. There are countless web servers all over the Internet serving countless websites to people all over the world. Whether you need a web server to host a website on the Internet a Red Hat Enterprise Linux server can function as a web server using the Apache HTTP server. The Apache HTTP server is a popular, open source server application that runs on many UNIX-based systems as well as Microsoft Windows.

Suppose There are two sites and Both sites are mappings to IP address. Configure the Apache web server for these sites to make accessible on web

Configure web server
In this example we will configure a web server.

necessary rpm for web server is httpd, httpd-devel and apr check them for install

Configure virtual hosting

We need to copy any html file to the below location

Then update the hosts file if you have not.

now open /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf main configuration file of apache server

Now go in the end of file and copy last seven line [virtual host tag] and paste them in the end of file. change these seven lines as shown in

now save this file and exit from it

Then open browser & enter the hostname as below

Configure multiple sites with same ip address

At this point you have configured one site with the ip address Now we will configure one more site with same ip address
create a documents root directory for website and an index page

mkdir /var/www/virtual
chmod 777 /var/www/virtual

Then copy one html file to particular location, refer below image

Again open /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file.

Now go in the end of file and copy last seven line [ virtual host tag ] and paste them in the end of file. change these seven lines as shown in image

 you have done necessary configuration now restart the httpd service 

Then open browser & enter the hostname as as shown below

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