Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Configure nfs server

Configure nfs server

  • A linux server with ip address and hostname Server
  • A linux client with ip address and hostname Client1
  • Updated /etc/hosts file on both linux system
  • Running portmap and xinetd services
  • Firewall should be off on server
We suggest you to review that article before start configuration of nfs server. Once you have completed the necessary steps follow this guide.
Three rpm are required to configure nfs server. nfs, portmap, xinetd check them if not found then install
Now check nfs, portmap, xinetd service in system service it should be on
Select  System service
from list
[*]portmap [*]xinetd [*]nfs
Now restart xinetd and portmap service
service restart
To keep on these services after reboot on then via chkconfig command
After reboot verify their status. It must be in running condition
service status
now create a /data directory and grant full permission to it
now open /etc/exports file 
vi exports
share data folder for the network of with read and write access 
editing in exports
save file with :wq and exit
now restart the nfs service and also on it with chkconfig 
service nfs restart
also restart nfs daemons with expotfs 
verify with showmount command that you have successfully shared data folder

configure client system

ping form nfs server and check the share folder 
now mount this share folder on mnt mount point. To test this share folder change directory to mnt and create a test file 
mount server directory
After use you should always unmount from mnt mount point
In this way you can use shared folder. But this share folder will be available till system is up. It will not be available afterreboot. To keep it available after reboot make its entry in fstab
create a mount point, by making a directory 
now open /etc/fstab file 
vi fstab
make entry for nfs shared directory and define /temp to mount point
file fstab

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