Monday, August 27, 2012

Linux IP configuration and Network configuration

Linux ip configuration and Network configuration

Every node participating in networking needs a valid IP address. On Linux command prompt IP address is assigned by a network configuration window. This window can be invoked by selecting network configuration sub menu form setupcommand or directly executing system-config-network commands.
Run setup command form root user
this will launch a new window select network configuration
network configurations
now a new window will show you all available LAN card select your LAN card ( if you don’t see any LAN card here mean you don’t have install driver)
select lan devices in setup
assign IP in this box and click ok
assign ip address
click on ok, quit and again quit to come back on root prompt.
Alternately you can use system-config-network command directly to invoke this setup window
whatever change you made in network configuration will not take place till you restart the LAN card
service network restart


The ifconfig command will display the configuration of all active Ethernet card. Without specifying any parameter this command will show all active Ethernet card. if you want to see the configuration of any specific Ethernet card then use the name of that card as the command line arguments. for example to show the IP configuration on loop back Interface execute this command.
ifconfig lo


ifup ifdown etho
Each installed network adapter has a corresponding ifcfg-* file in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts. You can activate or deactivate that adapter with the ifup and ifdown commands. Either of the following commands will activate the eth0 network adapter:

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