Thursday, August 2, 2012

Creating And Mounting Iso File System Using makeisofs utility

Creating And Mounting Iso File System Using makeisofs utility

One file containing all the directory and files of CD-ROM.

First insert the cd in cd-rom for which you want to make the ISO image file.

# which mkisofs

# fdisk –l

# mkdir iso

# cd iso

# mkisofs –o mega.iso –J –v –R /media/cdrom

-o - Output File

-J – Joilet (The file is also redable by other applications in windows).

For more details of switches see the man pages of mkisofs
# man mkisofs

Mounting ISO file

# cat /proc/filesystems

Display list of filesystems supported by Linux or Kernel.

# mkdir mount

# mount –t iso9660 –o loop mega.iso /root/iso/mount

# cd /root/iso/mount

# ls

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